A collection of tools designed to help you think through considering collaboration, identifying opportunities, building partnerships, and evaluating impact.

Please Note

These tools may help you get started, but they are not intended to replace working with a facilitator. For hands-on support and guidance, reach out to The Capacity Lab.

Considering Collaboration

These tools may help your organization ask the right questions to define what you are looking for and what you have to offer.

Collaboration Checklist: This tool from Program Savvy Consulting looks at how different aspects of an organization can affect collaboration and provides best practices.

Case Studies on Collaboration

Starting Small but Thinking Big: This BoardSource resource may help you identify the key questions to answer at the very beginning of a collaborative effort.

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Identifying opportunities

These tools may help to identify what form of collaboration is most appropriate for your organization.

Structuring a Strategic Alliance: This tool from the Lawyers Alliance for NY breaks down the different structuring options for nonprofits forming a strategic alliance.

Stanford Collaboration Assessment

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Building partnerships

These templates and tools may help your organization formalize and operationalize your collaboration.

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any matter. Please consult an attorney prior to entering into any formal agreement.

Evaluating impact

These tools may help evaluate partnerships
before, during, and after collaboration.

Stanford Collaboration Assessment [Eval Section]: This section of the Stanford Collaboration Assessment focuses on the questions to ask before, during, and after a collaboration to measure impact.

Measuring the Impact and Success of a Nonprofit-Corporate Partnership: This tool adapted from America’s Charities helps partners to identify what “impact” means to them.

Health Partnership Assessment Tool: This tool was designed to help human services and healthcare organizations evaluate their partnerships, but the in-depth questions are broadly applicable to organizations with established partnerships.

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